Authorized partner of Everything DiSC®

WHAT IS Everything DiSC®?

Everything DiSC® is one of the world’s most widely used and recognised personal profile tools when it comes to human relations in a professional setting. It is successfully used worldwide in both large and small organisations when working goal oriented with leadership, development, sales, negotiation, cooperation, team development and communication.

WHY USE Everything DiSC®?

The advantage of using Everything DiSC® as an organisational development tool is that it is simple, intuitive and easy to implement, regardless of the size and complexity of your organisation. The Everything DiSC® model offers a conceptual framework, that enables leaders and employees to easily coordinate needs for communication, motivation, collaboration and leadership without putting people in stalls. By using the Everything DiSC®, you build a common framework and a common language of behaviour that, in addition to increased self-awareness for the individual employee, provide a solid foundation for working purposefully towards the development of the organisation.

We all have different behavioural preferences and hence different motivational factors, needs and priorities. An Everything DiSC® profile measures a person’s preferences based on his/her personality, and is used in addition to describe a person’s typical behaviour. Furthermore, an Everyting  DiSC® personal profile provides an in-depth explanation of why we act as we do in our interactions with others in different situations and relationships.

Some of the most obvious applications for Everything DiSC® are:


Know your leadership style and learn how to customise your style to the situation and your employees’ needs. Which leadership competencies support your Everything DiSC® profile, and which leadership tasks do you have the most difficulty in completing satisfactorily?

Relationships and Cooperation

Everything DiSC® is created to build relationships and cooperation. The tool’s intuitive structure makes it easy and efficient to use in everyday life. Find out what your particular valuable contribution to the organisation is through your Everything DiSC® profile, and identify where you need support and development by establishing your pitfalls and challenges.

Sales and Communication Training

Know your sales style and understand your customers’ needs and buying motives. Identify your strengths and challenges as a salesperson and communicator, and learn how you best customise your style to the recipient’s Everything DiSC® profile?

Everything DiSC® is Danish validated, and the content of the report is thus held against a Danish norm group.


Monitoring tools (MED)is an interactive learning portal where you can anchor your Everything DiSC® knowledge and skills gained through certification.